An enthusiastic professional individual who is seeking a new challenging career after many years of being in the business of doing whatever it is I do. I am a hardworking individual who strives to achieve the best in all areas, and I am always eager to learn new skills and advance my career.
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. Fully kitted out lair in extinct volcanic island north of Fiji.
Experienced spider skills with catching flies a speciality. Webs built to order in downstairs cludgie or car wing-mirrors.
Several years experience in waking up in strange rooms, skips, alleys etc. Able to adjust to new surroundings quickly and source clean clothing from local haberdashers. Specialised in running out the back door to avoid security
generally loafing about over weekends and holiday periods. Doing as littel as possible. Building up areas of dirty dishes & empty juice cans etc.
GPA: 3.23
Yes, it is the school from Family Guy
Apart from being a heavy drinker, I enjoy most of my time not being outdoors. In the winter, I am an avid smiler and novice wind turbine. During the warmer months here in wherever I live, I do not enjoy mountain biking, standing up too quickly or and washing up.
When forced outdoors, I follow random people for up to hours at a time, I am an aspiring thief, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring 'staff only' areas of department stores and building societies.